Mystic X Hernler Collabo: The Dom Vest

Only very few people know to shred like Dominik Hernler does. Good news: if you at least want to feel a bit like the Austrian, his Mystic signature vest The Dom is available now.

Dom shreds. No discussion needed. Despite that Dominik Hernler is someone who surprises us from time to time. Maybe that’s why the Austrian’s nick is “The Magician“, which fits quite good.


Let’s see which magic he brings to us now? It’s not a rabbit jumpin’ out of a hat. It’s his new signature vest developed with Mystic: The Dom. This essential shows exactly the style, Dominik is known for. On top some key features come with it: CE approved, front-zip, clash foam and spine protection for your safety. Sounds like a good choice to rely on.

The Dom. Red ...
... or green. It's your decission!

On top there is a feature to keep you nice and toasty. No, it’s not the rabbit. But it keeps you warm. Mystic calls it Fox Fleece. This material holds air for extra insulation and because of that, holds less water which makes it even easier to dry quickly.

You can choose from two top notch colorways: Brave Green or Oxblood Red. And if you can not decide, you might take both to make your wish come true.

It looks great. Not only if Dom is wearing it.

That’s what you were looking for? Then this might be what to select for the 2020 season. Don’t expect to ride like Dom, just by wearing this. At least you know, the reason is not your vest.




If you wanna see Dominik Hernler doing what he does best, hop over to “High On Life“. A great video showcasing that Dom is a phenomenon on his wakeboard, but really knows how to smash some waves whilst surfing as well.

Mystic X Hernler Collabo: The Dom Vest

Only very few people know to shred like Dominik Hernler does. Good news: if you at least want to feel a bit like the Austrian, his Mystic signature vest The Dom is available now.

Dom shreds. No discussion needed. Despite that Dominik Hernler is someone who surprises us from time to time. Maybe that’s why the Austrian’s nick is “The Magician“, which fits quite good.


Let’s see which magic he brings to us now? It’s not a rabbit jumpin’ out of a hat. It’s his new signature vest developed with Mystic: The Dom. This essential shows exactly the style, Dominik is known for. On top some key features come with it: CE approved, front-zip, clash foam and spine protection for your safety. Sounds like a good choice to rely on.

The Dom. Red ...
... or green. It's your decission!

On top there is a feature to keep you nice and toasty. No, it’s not the rabbit. But it keeps you warm. Mystic calls it Fox Fleece. This material holds air for extra insulation and because of that, holds less water which makes it even easier to dry quickly.

You can choose from two top notch colorways: Brave Green or Oxblood Red. And if you can not decide, you might take both to make your wish come true.

It looks great. Not only if Dom is wearing it.

That’s what you were looking for? Then this might be what to select for the 2020 season. Don’t expect to ride like Dom, just by wearing this. At least you know, the reason is not your vest.




If you wanna see Dominik Hernler doing what he does best, hop over to “High On Life“. A great video showcasing that Dom is a phenomenon on his wakeboard, but really knows how to smash some waves whilst surfing as well.