ZMT presents: “Violet” with Jake Flynn
If you have been following the development of winching over the last years, the names “ZMT”, Jake Flynn and Dylan Mead should ring a bell to you. Street wakeboarding at its finest. With “Violet” Jake Flynn showcases the result of a long winch trip. Epic riding ahead.
What is our favorite hit? Hard to say! Because in the end, one trick almost always trumps the next. The spots are versatile, creative and risky! The grass slide to lipslide on the thin downrail, various crazy wallrides and super-short close-outs. The big banger follows – and that’s how it should be – with the ender at minute 04:30 – keep watching till the end. Good work Dylan Mead, Jake Flynn and all those involved!
If you are also hooked on winching, we’d like to point out: Stay save out there and stay within your boundaries while winching.