Zuupack: Jungle Beats at Revolution

The feeling of getting to ride your homespot for the first time after the lockdown was priceless, right? Zuupack knows that too. They had the opportunity to shred Revolution Cable Park all on their own for a sweet sesh.

Zuupack? You might not have heard of them before. The crew is from Florida and well, they are pushing wakeboarding in their very own way. That even made people over here, on the other side of the Atlantic, follow their journey. Well deserved, as they kill it!


Of course these boys also had to struggle with what Covid-19 brought to us all. A fairly bad start into 2020 which finally got better, just as summer really took up speed. As soon as Revolution Cable Park, the homespot of Maxx Evan, whom is one of their crew-members, was allowed to open up again, they got a one of a kind chance. Maxx Evan, Luke Holmes, Vic Garcia, Gabe Menendez and Jonn Bonet checked out a new feature, which was just build there whilst the park was closed.

Self made features ...
... that's what Revo is all about | Photos: Evan

“We wanted to make this edit as like a reintroduction to riding after so much time away. It’s about the good vibes and just sending it. We hope it gets you stoked to get back on the water!“ – Zuupack

Revo is one of those spots, that doesn’t get the attention it might deserve. Especially riders who love self-built features get exactly what they are looking for. If you’re around, check out the park close to Fort Myers, Florida. Let’s hope this was not the last time we get to see something from over there, as well as from Zuupack.


Zeachmudtriangle is another up and coming crew from the US. They are settled quite a few miles up north in the Chicago area. In case you haven’t seen their latest full movie yet, you should definitely do so now.

Zuupack: Jungle Beats at Revolution

The feeling of getting to ride your homespot for the first time after the lockdown was priceless, right? Zuupack knows that too. They had the opportunity to shred Revolution Cable Park all on their own for a sweet sesh.

Zuupack? You might not have heard of them before. The crew is from Florida and well, they are pushing wakeboarding in their very own way. That even made people over here, on the other side of the Atlantic, follow their journey. Well deserved, as they kill it!


Of course these boys also had to struggle with what Covid-19 brought to us all. A fairly bad start into 2020 which finally got better, just as summer really took up speed. As soon as Revolution Cable Park, the homespot of Maxx Evan, whom is one of their crew-members, was allowed to open up again, they got a one of a kind chance. Maxx Evan, Luke Holmes, Vic Garcia, Gabe Menendez and Jonn Bonet checked out a new feature, which was just build there whilst the park was closed.

Self made features ...
... that's what Revo is all about | Photos: Evan

“We wanted to make this edit as like a reintroduction to riding after so much time away. It’s about the good vibes and just sending it. We hope it gets you stoked to get back on the water!“ – Zuupack

Revo is one of those spots, that doesn’t get the attention it might deserve. Especially riders who love self-built features get exactly what they are looking for. If you’re around, check out the park close to Fort Myers, Florida. Let’s hope this was not the last time we get to see something from over there, as well as from Zuupack.


Zeachmudtriangle is another up and coming crew from the US. They are settled quite a few miles up north in the Chicago area. In case you haven’t seen their latest full movie yet, you should definitely do so now.