Mike Ennen x Ben Gavelda
Topshots, das sind genau die Bilder, die Dank ihrer Besonderheit, Bildsprache und des Find-Ich-Geil-Potentials eigentlich auch einen Platz im Printmagazin verdient hätten. Stattdessen möchten wir ganz spezielle Augenblicke, die Wakeboarden eben ausmachen, in der Zeit zwischen den Ausgaben auch online teilen. So wie Ben Gaveldas Bild, unser Topshot No. 1:
„Bellingham, Washington native Mike Ennen has done the drive from the city to Mt. Baker to go snowboarding hundreds, maybe thousands of times. Highway 542 stretches from the pacific shores up to the legendary mountain, winding along the Nooksack River most of the way. Springtime is usually filled with chasing the last storms of the winter season for Ennen, but on this day his brother Nick and visiting friend Keith Lidberg pulled off the road to a stretch of frigid water they’d eyed for years. After bushwhacking the winch through a forest of soggy snow, trimming a few branches and putting in a nice snow booter, they had their line. It went from river to snow and back again.“
Ben lebt in Colorado, USA in Schlagdistanz zu den Bergen und fotografiert sonst hauptsächlich Snowboarden und Mountainbike. Checkt sein Instagram!